Tuesday 28 June 2011

Hack Servers Easily: Network Hacking Tools

Another way that hackers use to get inside networks, like hacking teamspeak servers or hacking windows terminal services, is thanks to the unknown help of the network users. How? Simple, they send emails with attachments that will execute a worm, virus or Trojan that will spread into the network.
If it is a Trojan horse, this little program will convert the computer into a zombie, under the control of it's creator. Thanks to it, the hacker will gain a way to enter the network without being detected.

A virus used for network hacking is a bit different. Although it spreads in similar ways to Trojan horses (through email attachments or downloaded files from peer to peer networks), they cause havoc and destruction inside the network. A hacker will make use of this panic situation and try to enter the system while it's defenses are down. It may be considered a parallel to the siege strategies of ancient history, when cities were intentionally infected with diseases by their enemies.

Worms are similar to viruses, but have a slight difference. They are self contained and do not require of other file, as a virus does, to infect a computer. Their main application for network hackers are installing backdoors inside computers. Once the new "door" is secure, the hacker will use that entrance to establish a position inside the network.

Hackers can even install a key logger for remote password hacking and the user will never know how they did it! Of course, someone could think that all of the fault is with the operating system Windows, but in reality, the amount of people who are hacking Windows XP is not because the program is bad. It is because most of the planet uses it as it's operating system.

What Tools Does He Use?

If you are a hacker who just began his activities, it's most probable that you will download one of the dozens of free tools that are available in the internet. These programs have been previously made and tested by more experienced hackers. When you trespass the barrier of experience and become a seasoned hacker, then you may start making improvements over these old programs. Or even you may start creating your own network hacking software.

Since internet is always evolving (getting bigger and implementing new tools and software) it is an almost infinite source of fun for a hacker who wants to test his skills.

If you want to make scan the ports of a network, there are several freewares available. The most common ones are Portscan 2000, Scanmetender Standard, Angry IP Scanner, Netmon , FastTCPPortScanner, nmap and Unicornscan.

In the case of worms, viruses and Trojan horses, the list is almost infinite. And with each month that passes, hackers improve or make slight modifications to these programs so they are not detected by the security systems.

And, if you are using a wireless network, do not think that you are more secure than a traditional network. As a matter of fact, hacking wireless networks is easier for a hacker since many users don't know how to configure it.

What Is The Damage When Automated Tools Are Used?

It doesn't matter if you are a network hacker who is trying a windows 2000 password hack or a system administrator that wants to defend from a password hacker. In either case, you need to learn the tricks of this job and maintain yourself updated on the latest trends and network hacking tools. Consider how the world was fifteen years ago, with virtually no Internet and with most computers using DOS (the precursor to Windows). Although those good old days are gone, network hacking hasn't, and will never disappear.

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