Tuesday 3 April 2012

Why Your Google Search Traffic is Dropping (Its Not Panda)

Google social resultslocal results

Changing Google Results Pages

1. Boost Social Signals - Google believes you will like search results your friends like or recommend. Who better to recommend stuff than your closest friends. Have you noticed how Google search results display more specific links liked or shared by your community of friends. This pushes many search results beyond to the second page. And Google will even let you thank friends for it. Tip: Develop a huge social network across Twitter, Facebook and especially Google+ and get more visibility in search results.
2. Local Search is Hot Business -  Google recently put out the Venice Update, which is bringing local search results which cater more to your geographical location, out on top of everything else. It was a quiet update, but shuffled a lot of thing on search screens. Its evident if you are looking to buy something, there is a better chance you are searching for it in your own local neighbourhood.  e.g. a simple search for computers loads up 7 local results which nearly fill up the whole page. Tip: If you have local content site, use the opportunity to get more traffic.
3. Authority Sites Get Even Bigger - The big brands keep getting bigger and bigger with more PR, more trust and better traffic by ranking higher. Search for most common terms will usually reveal Wikipedia entry or respected news resources like Reuters or other large portals. e.g. a simple search for computers send out top 3 results from Wikipedia itself. You have a tough chance of ranking higher than that. Tip: Develop a authority site which can give competition to top brands and compete for the top search ranking spots.
wikipedia results
4. Everyone Likes Videos - If your search query is a popular term for videos queries too, expect to see a large chunk of mid search result space occupied by lots of Youtube videos. The more popular the query, more Youtube video links. These will surely push a lot of links out of the way. Tip: Develop popular popular Youtube videos and get more Youtube pageviews.
Google video results
5. Everyone Loves Images -  If your query targets a lot of popular images for the term in Google Images, they will also occupy a large area to shift your results down. Tip: Use lots of images on your site and label them carefully with the right Alt tags to get your image on top of image search results and directly to your site.
Google Image results
6. Breaking News Always Works - if your query is a trending topic in Google news, expects some news stories to also pop in the results and drag your links down. Tip: Post on current and trending topics, get listed in Google news, become a authority site and your news links will get more clicks than the top sites.
Google news results
7. Sitelinks Mark Authority - Powerful authority websites also have multiple sitelinks, search boxes and breaking news columns which take up considerable screen space (Of course they are much less than the huge 12 site links which we got!). Tip: Its difficult to match super popular sites like BBC, CNN, NYT – but bigger sites get bigger sitelinks, news links, search boxes and a larger screen space which assure better traffic to your site.
authority google results
Summary: With all these types of Google search results, more so for specific queries, it will definitely lead to a better user experience. But what has changed for webmasters and SEO experts – its no longer about getting your site on the top 3 ranks. Because the top ranks are going to authority sites and rest are heavily dependent on type of query and being more influenced by social community support (get  a huge community) and more new media results like news, images and videos, so do remember to do some video SEO and images SEO to rank higher out there.
Basically Google result pages are much different now than a few years back where all SEO efforts were focused to get on the first page.  Also don’t be surprised when you see bigger brands, popular social media celebrities, local businesses, popular youtube video channels ranking higher. Every traffic drop is not Google Panda affected, its just that the web is changing and so is Google….

Saturday 4 February 2012

Increase Your Facebook Page Likes Free

Do you want to increase your website traffic, then Facebook is the perfect station for increasing your traffic source. If you have a website then sure you have a Facebook fan page. Many people want to know that, how to increase there Facebook fan page likes free of cost? There is a simple way to increase the likes of a your fan page. You can also increase your twitter and Google + followers instantly.

Increase Facebook Likes Free.:
  • Visit this website : IncreaseFacebookLikes
  • Now create an account here. After that a confirmation codewill be send to your email id.
  • Put the code in the website and active your account. After that you will get free 50 points.
  • Go to Facebook tab and add your page. Your Facebook page likes increase automatically.
  • Refer more friends and increase your points and increase you likes.
  • Daily you can get 50 points free.
You can also add your twitter and Google + account here. Daily visit this website and like other pages to increase your page like. Spread your referal link, and earn 50 points per refer. Tell your friends about that and  enjoy.

Block Unwanted Ads and Speed Up Internet

When we are browsing internet, we saw many ads in many websites. The ads slow our internet connection and also so much irritating. Now a way to block all unwanted ads for all browser. There is a extension called "Adblock Plus" which can able to block all ads for any website. This is a very popular extension which supports in Chrome, Firefox.

Block all Ads.:
  • First visit the website : Adblock Plus
  • And download the extension for your browser and install it. After installing it a icon will show in the browser address  bar.
  • Now you are done. No ads will be display in any website.
Adblock plus is the most popular extension for ads blocking. It also win the 2011 award for ads blocking. Try this in your browser and block all unwanted ads and also speed up your internet connection. Tell your friends about this and enjoy.

Friday 3 February 2012

Create Shutdown / Restart / Lock Icons in Windows 7 or Vista

If you dislike the new Windows Vista shutdown menu, you are probably in the majority. An alternative option is to create icons that will let you shut down, lock, or restart your computer without having to mess with that stupid popup menu.
Of course, Windows 7 makes the shutdown menu a lot better, but if you want a shortcut elsewhere or to assign a hotkey, this should help you out.
This tip is nothing new, and probably very old hat to most of the advanced geeks reading this feed. I’ve been asked this question so many times in the last month that I decided to finally just write it up for everybody.
First right-click on the desktop, choose New and then Shortcut.
In the shortcut location box, you’ll need to enter the correct command, which I’ve listed for you below.
Shutdown Computer
Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
Restart Computer
Shutdown.exe -r -t 00
Lock Workstation
Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation
Hibernate Computer
rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState
Sleep Computer
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
When you’ve clicked next on the above dialog, you’ll be asked to name the shortcut. Probably best to name it according to the right function.
After you click Finish, you should now have a new icon that you can double-click to immediately shutdown, restart, or lock your computer.
Change Shortcut Icon
The default icon is really ugly, and if you want to have separate shortcuts for each function you might want to change the icon. Right-click on the icon and choose properties.
Click the Change Icon button, and then you can pick from the available icons in the system, or you can use the Browse button to pick an icon you downloaded off the web.
Note that you can drag them to your quick launch bar if you’d prefer to have them there.
And so ends the tale of the shutdown icons…

Monday 30 January 2012

Disable Annoying Flash Messages of Vodafone

  • First open your mobile Menu and click on Vodafone Service (SIM service).
  • In the Vodafone Service menu list select Flash option.
  • After that click on Activation option and select the Deactivate option.
  • You will get a message Flash! Off.
  • In the flash list select My topic option and select all service as Off.
After few minutes all flash message will get turned off. If you want to active it through DND service then type message START DND and send it to 111.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Make Adobe Reader to Speak

Adobe reader is the free software for viewing, printing and commenting on PDF documents. It is the only PDF file viewer that open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia. Today Hacker University teaches you how to make your PDF document speak. Many of you know that trick, but it is for those who don't know that. It is very simple, and very helpful when you are reading story based PDF document.

How to do that.:

  • First Doenload: Adobe Reader X
  • Open your PDF document.
  • Then click on View button in menu bar.
  • Choose Read out loud in drop down menu and click on Active read it loud.
  • Or you can use shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+V (Read this page only)
                                         Shift+Ctrl+B (Read to end of document)

  • Look at the below screenshot.

Now Adobe reader read your document in loud voice. Enjoy reading...

Add your own Picture in Facebook Chat

Hello friends, now Facebook is the most needed social networking website in the world for it's amazing features.Facebook chat is the most using chatting station. There are many tricks for Facebook chat. Today I am going to tell you; how to add your profile picture in your Facebook chat box. This is a very simple and useful trick. Follow the below instruction.

Add your Picture in Facebook chat.:

  • First log on to.: Facebook
  • In the chat box paste the below code for hacker university logo in Facebook chat.
         [[227459600648740]] and press Enter.

--------------Press Enter----------------
  • For your own Facebook profile picture paste your user name like this.: 
  • for any problem send EMAIL on ajayswarnkarbrothers@gmail.com

Saturday 14 January 2012

Increase your Internet Speed

Okay, so you've already tried the tweaks on this site, but you still are hungry for a better Internet Speed. Fortunately, we do have butloads of tweaks. The one that will work best for you to increase your Internet Speed is no doubt this one. Okay, shall we start?
Like always, these are the pre-requisites:

This obviously needs no introduction,
but if you're using some other browser,
then I really recommend you to switch to
FireFox immediately.
Here we present you, a mind-blowing tweak
for FireFox, which gives your Internet a
new high, thus providing optimum
browsing experience.

Got 'em. What now? Lets get going:
I'm assuming that you're already installed and using FireFox.

a) Install it. After installation, Click on "Create backup configuration" first.
Please click the above image to enlarge* (Popup blocker must be disabled)
b) Next, choose the settings according to your needs and computer configuration. Be sure to check out the other two tabs viz. "Other Optimizations" & "Other useful settings" too.

c) Click Tune It! (FireFox should be closed first).
I recommend using FireTune once every one week. Reason being, from my personal experience – My Internet Browsing Speed increases after using FireTune once. But it changes substantially, and reverts back to the old speed after some days. Just make sure you have a backup of your previous configuration (Prevention is better than cure, duh!).

That's it. Now go start browsing. You'll experience a dramatic change almost immediately. Enjoi! While you're here, you may want to check other guides available here:

Sunday 30 October 2011

15 Tips to Make Your PC Run Smoother and Faster

                                        Make Computer Faster

1. First of all, don’t ever fill your desktop with shortcut icons or data folders or files. Keep your desktop as clean as possible. If possible, don’t place shortcut of applications on your desktop, just run them from the start menu. This would vastly speed up your startup process.
2. Keep your C: drive; or whichever partition your OS is installed to, as clean and defragmented as possible. I personally prefer not to install most of the programs on my C: drive. Because this is the drive where your important OS files are present, and whatever space is left on the drive is used as virtual memory, so less the garbage on your OS drive, faster your computer would run.
3. Use least visual enhancements on your desktop. That means, to reduce the use of desktop gadgets, which takes loads of memory usage. Also using a simple theme is best. Animated desktop themes, screensavers or wallpapers obviously take more memory usage from your hands. So keeping it simple makes the difference.
4. If you are regular internet user, then consider using the “Clear Cache” function of your browser, to clear temporary offline data saved by the browser – this clears up some considerate amount of temporary data. Also regularly clear browser history and cookies.
5. Update your antivirus regularly, preferably every two or three days. Worms and malwares are a very common reason due to which your computer runs slower than usual, that is because worms duplicate themselves and fill your disk with useless, corrupt data and also occupies a large amount of your available memory.
6. Make it a habit to clear %temp% and %tmp% folders of your PC every day. They contain temporary files which you can freely delete to gain some small but considerable amount of disk space.
7. Use Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup on a regular basis.
8. One piece of advice from me is not to use any disk cleaning utilities available on the net unless they are from trusted owners. Because, it is true that they help you gain some more disk space and gain some speed from your PC but most of their work can be done manually by users, so they just take some useless space on your disk.
9.  After installing any program, they take up some space on your disk, also on your registry. I suggest not installing any program which you consider ‘use and throw’ because even after uninstalling them, some of their remains still linger on your PC, which also affects your PC performance.
10. Regularly delete all the contents of your ‘Recent’ folder. This folder contains shortcut to your recently used documents and programs. These shortcuts are just useless garbage which you should clear on daily basis.
11. To speed up the boot time, disable any useless startup programs from MSConfig utility.
12. Delete contents of your recycle bin to gain some more disk space.
13. TeraCopy is one of the best programs to speed up file copying. I personally prefer using this program.
14. Using external DNS servers such as OpenDNS, boosts your internet speed up to some extent.
15. Select “Adjust for best performance” setting on the Performance tab in System Properties.
These are some small tips which I prefer following and I know the results. If you are completely fed up with your PC performance, then you should try reformatting your hard disk partition. That would surely do it. But if you just want to continue with your PC for a long time, then from the very beginning, follow these steps regularly and you’ll see the impact of these minor steps in a major way.

How to Post Facebook Updates Using Voice on Windows Mobile Phone [Video]

How to Post Facebook Updates Using Voice on Windows Mobile Phone [Video]Now it is easy to post Facebook status updates using your voice on your Windows Mobile Phone. Windows Phone 7.5 is loaded with new features which lets you compose, listen to, and send text messages with your voice. Now you can use voice-to-text to update your Facebook status!  It requires you to setup Facebook Mobile, which will link your mobile phone to Facebook. Facebook Mobile can then send text messages to your phone like notifications for friend requests, messages, Wall posts, and status updates from your friends; and can also update your status, help you search for phone numbers, or upload photos and videos from your phone. Go Facebook > Account Settings > Mobile to get started.  speech screen listening  See the video below for a step by step tutorial on how to set up the voice to text service to post Facebook status updates using your Windows Mobile phone from anywhere.